We strive to give you our best tax services from preparing and filing tax returns to supporting you throughout the year.
Specialized tax preparation and filing for individuals to minimize your overall tax bill.
Constantly identifying ways and applying the latest federal, state and local tax legislation for correct tax liabilities and make you aware of potential tax savings.
You need more than a Will to protect your assets. We offer complet set of tax and planning services to help the beneficiaries.
Build strategies tailored just for your situation to avoid and reduce surprises at tax time. Constantly identifying new ways to reduce your worldwide tax liabilities and make you aware of potential tax savings.
We help establishing your legal entity to running your business with timely and accurate accounting with an eye for efficient taxation.
Assist clients who are burdened with IRS letters, inquiries and audits.
Chitra has filed our taxes over the last 4-5 years. She is very knowledgeable, responsive and helped make the annual tax filing process much easier than before
Chitra seamlessly handled my tax affairs including with my Australian and USA income and assets, tricky questions about what applies where and the best strategies going forward.
I wouldn’t hesitate to recommend Chitra and look forward to working with her in the future.
I have always found Chitra to be very well informed in all current laws. She is conscientious, accurate, diligent, with great attention to details. I know I am in proficient and qualified hands with my taxes done by Chitra.
I have been working with Chitra for years. She is thoughtful and a pleasure to work with.
We appreciate very much for choosing us. Here is the quick overview of the way we'll be working with you and what you can expect from us.
Our secure client portal allows us to collect, process, and more importantly collaborate with you in preparing and reviewing the return. You will create your account only once.
This and the following stages are repeated each year.
Tax Organizer/Questionnaire: Allows us to identify and address your tax situation for the year
You will complete the tax organizer (aka questionnaire) which allows us to identify and understand your tax situation that we must address for you. This questionnaire can be done over time i.e. multiple sessions.
Upload of Tax Documents: Enables us to prepare your tax return as well as identify opportunities for tax optimization in the future years
Sign your Letter of Engagement:
Once you are done with these activities, you can schedule time now with our tax professionals. Otherwise we will reach out to you to schedule time for your review. More on it below.
Using the information you provided to us, we will prepare your tax return. If we need any additional information to complete your return, we will get in touch with you via messages within the client portal. Our goal is to minimize the number of messages send to you. Once we are ready with your tax return, we will request you schedule a time to review your return.
This is essentially the final and important stage for both of us. The Tax return is for the past year but engaging with us provides you an opportunity to get some tax planning for future years.
We encourage you to review your return before signing the e-file authorization form 8879.
You will be able to view your return in full upon payment